Chicken ingredients
- According to different chicken breeds, ages, growth and development stages, egg production rates, etc., refer to the corresponding range of indicators in the feeding standards, and combine your own actual conditions and practical experience to coordinate the feed.
- Try to choose feeds that are easily available locally and at low prices. For some feeds that are not available locally but are necessary, you must strictly choose low-priced and unadulterated places to purchase them to reduce the cost of feed formulation.
- When formulating feeds, we should consider feed diversification, complementary nutritional components, comprehensive nutrition, and reduce the use of high-priced additives. And attention should be paid to choosing feeds that are fresh, mildew-free, clean, good in palatability, and low in crude fiber.
- After the feed is combined, roughly calculate the differences in nutritional components and consider the dosage of additives. This should not only prevent waste caused by repeated additions, but also ensure sufficient dosage to maintain nutritional balance.
- The feed mix should be relatively stable. If it changes due to needs, attention must be paid to the gradual change. Sudden changes in the feed mix will cause indigestion and affect the growth, egg production, and incubation equipment of the chicken.
Chicken ingredients: in principle
- Appropriate feeding standards and feed ingredient lists should be selected
The existing breeding standards in our country can be used as a reference. If there are regional standards, the regional standards can be used. If there are no domestic standards for livestock and poultry breeds, foreign standards can also be referred to, and the growth, development and production performance of livestock and poultry can be measured through feeding practices. Reflect modifications as appropriate and use them flexibly.
- Require feed diversification and pay attention to feed palatability and toxic substances
A variety of feeds should be properly matched to give full play to the complementary effects of various nutrients and improve the utilization rate and nutritional value of the feed.
3. Control the crude fiber content and pay attention to the total volume of the feed
The dietary fiber of chickens should be controlled between 2% and 5%, for suckling piglets 4%, for growing and finishing pigs 8%, and for breeding pigs 12% or less. When formulating feed grains, it must contain a certain amount of dry matter so that the livestock and poultry can both eat and feel full and meet their nutritional needs.
- The feed should be of high quality and low price, and be competitive in the market.
It is necessary to consider user psychology and improve product quality. It is necessary to focus on promoting economic benefits, with appropriate emphasis on input and output, so that “maintenance” needs are kept at less than one-third of the daily nutrient intake.
Chicken Ingredients Machine Step
An ideal diet is one that yields maximum productivity at minimum value. That is, the value per unit of product is the final determining factor in what is the best feed. Being aware of this can make the design of the formula reach a more ideal situation.
In order to create a low-cost and high-efficiency feed, the following steps should be followed:
1.Find out and enumerate the nutritional needs or nutrient supply of the livestock in the ration.
2.Determine what feed is acceptable and look up its nutritional content and nutritional value in the feed ingredient list.
3.Determine the cost of the feed components to be considered.
4.Consider the limitations and limits of the feed used.
5.Calculate the most economical feed formula.