Feed processing technology and equipment

The types and uses of feed are different, and their processing techniques are also different. Below, we will only introduce the process and equipment of feed processing using formula feed, coarse feed, green feed, and forage as examples.

  1. Concentrated feed (various grains, oil crop by-products, cakes)
  2. Removing impurities and iron → crushing → mixing, used for processing grains, seeds, etc;
  3. Fragmentation → iron removal → crushing → mixing, used for cake materials;
  4. Fermentation → mixing, used for bran as feed for pigs.

2 Coarse feed (crop straw)

  1. Chopping → mixing, used for various crop straw;
  2. Iron removal → initial cutting → crushing → mixing, pig feed, used for various straw;
  3. Chopping → chemical treatment → mixing, used for processing crop straw.

3 green feed (green, aquatic, melons, root tubers, etc.)

  1. Harvesting → shredding → mixing → feeding, (various green feed)
  2. Harvesting → washing → beating → mixing → feeding, (high moisture, melon)

Animal feed, aquatic feed)

  1. Harvesting → Washing → Chopping → Mixing → Feeding, (root tubers, melons)
  2. Harvesting → drying (drying) → cutting, crushing → mixing → feeding or ensiling;
  3. Harvesting → Silage → Chopping → Mixing → Feeding or Chopping → Silage.
  4. Processing Technology of Grass
  5. Grass making powder or granules

Harvesting → drying → crushing → mixing (feeding) → pelletizing → feeding

  1. Hay briquetting or cake harvesting → Drying (moisture content of 8%~20%) → Chopping → Briquetting or cake making

5 Types of Feed Processing Machinery

  1. Harvester, lawn mower, chopper, beater, silage equipment

(Tower, trench), ammoniation or alkalization equipment;

  1. Cleaning machinery (stone removal, magnetic separator, impurity removal), crushing (cake crushing) machine, conveying equipment, silo, measuring device, mixer, packaging machine;
  2. Granular feed processing equipment, such as granulators, puffers, grading screens, etc;
  3. A complete set of equipment for feed processing units and small and medium-sized feed processing plants, with single machines for processing equipment similar to those for compound feed processing machinery.