Professor Wang Chuduan, chairman of China Agricultural University and the Pig Breeding Branch of the Chinese Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Society, reported on “Thoughts and Explorations on High-Quality Development of the Pig Industry” from breeding and expansion, feed and feeding, disease prevention and biosecurity, management and digitalization, Five aspects including market and regulation discuss the high-quality development of my country’s pig industry.

Breeding and propagation

1.1 Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, 67 new hybrid and synthetic varieties have been approved

(1) Transgenic cloning, gene editing and gene aggregation breeding;

(2) Purebred improvement, seed industry revitalization and lean pig improvement; there are 104 national core breeding farms, 8 core breeding boar stations, Dudu has a purebred core group of more than 150,000 heads, and the purebred population exceeds 150,000. 500,000 pigs; a feasible and overall breakthrough point is to cultivate new varieties of long black pigs, large black pigs and Duhei pigs with Chinese characteristics;

(3) Cross breeding and pig breeding – terminal hybridization VS terminal reincarnation hybridization.

Feed and feeding

2.1 Changes in feeding methods

(1) From conventional feed to conventional feed + unconventional feed

(2) From green fodder to silage to plant factory

(3) From powder to granular feed to liquid feed to fermented feed liquid feed to the current pre-digested liquid feed

2.2 Barley grass plant factory

2.3 Liquid feeding system, predigested liquid feed, full price feed predigestion

2.4 Central kitchen feeding model for growing and fattening pigs to realize unmanned pig farming

Disease prevention and biosecurity

3.1 Three major entities and five major input factors

Three major subjects: susceptible animals, sources of infection, and transmission routes

Five major input factors: water, air, feed, vaccines, functional products

3.2 Three major main strategies

(1) Source of infection (isolation and elimination): Infected pigs must be isolated, eliminated, and treated harmlessly as soon as possible.

(2) Transmission route (cut off): Disinfect effectively, but do not cause harm to people, pigs, or the ecology; insect vectors (rats, flies, birds, mosquitoes) in the pig house must be eliminated at any time.

(3) Susceptible pig herds (protection): Protect and improve pig herds’ disease resistance.

3.3 Five investment factor strategies

(1) Water quality: It should be treated according to human drinking water standards.

(2) Air quality: toxic and harmful gas content, pathogenic microorganism content, temperature, humidity, and oxygen content.

(3) Feed quality: mycotoxin content, nutritional ingredients, and other harmful factors.

(4) Vaccine quality: effectiveness and safety.

(3) Functional products: improve immunity, improve production efficiency, and improve product quality.

Management and Digitization

4.1 Process management

4.2 Reproduction management and breeding efficiency

4.3 Digitalization and pig breeding

Market and Regulation

Unsuccessful regulation: subsidies for fertile sows, subsidies for new pig farms after African plague, restrictions on cross-regional circulation of pigs after African plague;

Feasible control methods: regional production and sales quota system + contract farming + insurance + finance.