1)Feeding value of grain sorghum

The nutritional composition of sorghum grains is similar to that of corn, and its protein content is slightly higher than that of corn.

The average digestibility of sorghum grains as feed is 62% protein, 85% fat, 36% crude fiber, 81% nitrogen-free extract, the total digestible nutrients are 70.46%, and the average total starch content is 75%, 1 kg The total heat of sorghum grains is 18.63x103kJ. The above quality and nutritional indicators show that sorghum grains are suitable for use as feed for livestock and poultry, and its feed production efficiency is greater than that of oats and barley, and is roughly equivalent to corn. The grains of yellow endosperm sorghum contain a large amount of lutein and carotene, which are lemon yellow in color and have higher nutritional value than ordinary sorghum grains. Feeding them to chickens can produce beautiful skin colors.

Experiments have shown that it is completely feasible to replace dietary corn with 10% to 20% of the same amount of sorghum without affecting the growth rate, daily feed intake and feed return of pigs. Other studies have shown that pigs that use 25% and 50% of sorghum to replace corn in the early growth period have better daily weight gain and feed utilization than those that use corn entirely. In the later stage of growth, pigs that use sorghum to replace 50% of corn have better growth rates. No change, feed utilization rate is slightly worse. In addition, sorghum grains used as feed for pigs can increase the lean meat rate. According to the British Association of Agricultural Science and Technology, lean pigs respond more sensitively to changes in protein content in feed than fat pigs. Since the digestible protein in sorghum grains is 54.7 g/kg, which is 9.4 g/kg more than that of corn (45.3g/kg), the crude fat content is 0.25% lower than that of corn, and corn contains more unsaturated fatty acids. But very few. Therefore, using sorghum grains as feed can improve the lean meat rate of pigs.

Sorghum grains are used as feed for broilers, laying hens and other poultry, and can completely replace corn in compound feed. Tests show that when chicks are fed 75% sorghum and 75% corn each, the survival rate of chicks fed sorghum is 84.1%, and the survival rate of those fed corn is 73.7%. Therefore, using sorghum instead of corn to feed chicks has a high survival rate, rapid weight gain, and high efficiency. The main reason is that sorghum grains contain a small amount of tannin, which has an astringent effect and can effectively prevent and treat intestinal diseases such as pullorum in young livestock and poultry. Feeding sorghum compound feed alternately with other compound feeds can promote the appetite and nutrient absorption of livestock.

Feeding fish with sorghum grains can increase the yield of adult fish. A test at a fish farm in the United States has proven that adding sorghum to compound feed can speed up the growth of fish and increase production. Grind sorghum into powder, and the appropriate addition amount is 50%. According to measurements, feeding feed supplemented with sorghum flour can increase adult fish production by 25% to 27%.

Feeding cows with sorghum grains can reduce the use of antibiotics in cows. Mastitis is a common bacterial disease in dairy cows. Due to weak safety awareness and economic interests, the abuse of antibiotics in dairy cows is very common in my country, resulting in antibiotic residues in milk and causing a series of problems. If a certain proportion of sorghum grains is added to the compound feed of dairy cows, it can effectively prevent the occurrence of bacterial diseases in dairy cows and reduce the use of antibiotics.

2)Feeding value of sweet sorghum

Sweet sorghum has strong biological advantages. Not only is the yield 3.2 times that of corn, but all nutritional indicators are better than corn. The sugar content is 2 times higher than that of silage corn; the nitrogen-free extract and ash content are 64.2% higher than that of corn respectively. and 81.5%; although the crude fiber is more than that of corn, because the material content of sweet sorghum is 41.4% more than that of corn, the relative content of crude fiber in sweet sorghum in dry matter is 30.3%, which is lower than that of corn. Sweet sorghum used as green fodder or silage has high yield and good palatability. It is a good feed for cattle, sheep, deer, horses, fish and camels.

Sweet sorghum has been used as feed for dairy cows in China since the 1980s. Some dairy farming units grow sweet sorghum for feed and have achieved significant economic and social benefits. The sugar content of sweet sorghum stalks is high, reaching 13.6% in the milk-ripening stage and about 15% in the grain-filling stage. After silage, the color is green, the flavor is fragrant, and the palatability is good. Cattle and sheep like to eat it, and it can significantly improve the quality of dairy cows. , the milk production of dairy sheep and the growth rate of beef cattle and sheep. According to experiments, feeding sweet sorghum to dairy cows can increase milk production by 0.8~1.5kg per cow per day. Harvest when the grains are close to maturity and feed or silage together with the stems and leaves. The feeding effect is remarkable, and it is especially suitable for planting in large-scale dairy and beef cattle farms.

3)Feeding value of grass sorghum

The grass sorghum currently widely planted is a hybrid with the sterile line of granular sorghum as the female parent and Sudan grass as the male parent. It is a new type of forage produced commercially by utilizing hybrid vigor. Fresh grass sorghum has high moisture content, stems are rich in juice, good palatability, and relatively low cyanide content, which can meet the nutritional and feeding needs of different types of herbivorous livestock. Moreover, the grass sorghum planting area is relatively wide. In Jilin Province, it can be cut 2 to 3 times a year. In Liaoning Province, it can be cut 2 to 4 times a year. In the south, it can be cut 4 to 5 times a year. After cutting, it can It is fed directly to livestock and is an evergreen feed with green grass all year round.

The feed utilization efficiency of grass carp fed with grass sorghum is higher than that of Sudan grass. Mou Zhilan studied the feeding amount and feeding rate of grass carp on grass sorghum and Sudan grass, and found that the feeding amount of grass carp on grass sorghum was lower than that on Sudan grass, but the feeding rate on grass sorghum was higher than that on Sudan grass. Therefore, the feed utilization rate of grass carp on grass sorghum is higher than that of Sudan grass. The amount of grass sorghum required for the same number of fish is lower than that of Sudan grass.